why don't i have more money?

Uncover your hidden money blocks and start earning what you deserve

with Brenda Lee Kaminsky

get started

Ever asked yourself the question...


Earn More Money In Less Time

A Free 3-Day Series showing you how to break through your money blocks and earn what you deserve...

hello there.

I’m brenda lee kaminsky

Former Corporate Executive, Master Wealth & Success Coach

I help individuals uncover the secret hidden programming in their money blocks that are holding them back so they can finally earn the money they deserve with less effort and love what they do!

podcast interview

Listen to me talk about breaking through Money Blocks on The Premise of Purpose Podcast...


wealth by dezign program

signature offering

Discover your unique money story, release your financial blocks, and start earning money with ease...

I am blown away by the deep inner money story that governed my entire life. 

I am now retired and stepping into the next BEST phase of my life

- Linda M.

ready to level up?

change your money story... change your life

It's time to enter your best years yet with unlimited abundance...